
SmartFlow has developed a system design platform that enables it to engineer, assemble, and deploy filtration systems that are tailored to the customer’s needs. The design sequence incorporates the development of a User Requirements Specifications (URS) document that collects the required customer information about the process. From the URS, SmartFlow engineers a system design. The system design is presented to the customer in approval drawings. The customer and SmartFlow’s engineers review and modify the proposed design to produce a final engineering package the is approved by the customer and released to production. Project updates with the customer’s team occur regularly during the production phase.

Upon completion of the system, the customer team travels to SmartFlow for a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) to verify the system performs as designed before it is released to the customer. The SmartFlow team then travels to the customer site for installation and the Site Acceptance Test procedure to confirm the system operates as designed in the customer’s facility. At this time, training of the site personnel takes place. Using this system SmartFlow has developed hundreds of systems to process liters to 100,000’s of gallons per day.

The use of the URS system enables SmartFlow to economically deliver filtration systems that exactly meet the customer’s needs, rather than the customer having to adapt their process to a few standard sized filtration system or purchase multiple systems to meet their volume requirements. 24/7 High volume system
SmartFlow system for 24/7 high volume operation